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Telecommunication Services

Wright Consulting strives to increase the productivity for telecommunication carriers, environmental vendors and site acquisition vendors by augmenting workloads to meet the clients’ challenging demands and expectations. Our team has been reviewing telecommunication sites since 2012, we perform prompt Airspace®/TERPS analysis, FAA/FCC filings and other regulatory services.

Airspace® TERPS Analysis

Compliance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 77, requires aeronautical studies be conducted to promote air safety and efficient use of navigable airspace. An Airspace analysis determines whether a structure needs to be filed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to determine if the proposed action is a hazard to air navigation, and whether marking and lighting requirements or other mitigation requirements are necessary to ensure continued safety of air navigation.

AM Screening for Title 47 CFR

Compliance with Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (47 CFR), requires AM analysis and notice to mitigate any necessary disturbances of the AM radio pattern if the disturbance is a result of the tower construction or modification. This service assists in locating AM stations in the vicinity of the proposed structure utilizing an assessment with respect to the FCC rules. If there are no AM stations a Negative AM Certificate is provided. Wright Consulting utilizes AM SiteSafe or Waterford.

Regulatory FAA/ASR Filings

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) require owners of towers and non-tower structures with specific proposed height and location criteria to register their structures with the FCC through their Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system. Registration with the FCC requires the applicant to have received a final determination of “no hazard” from the FAA. Wright Consulting directly files through the FAA/FCC websites.

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